We have an opening on our board, and we're accepting applications. After nearly two years of helping Vilakazi, Chad Previch has stepped down to have more personal time. We appreciate all the work he did for us, and he will be missed!
The board application process is simple. All you have to do is fill out the application form and submit it with your resume to [email protected]. You can download the application right there on your right. -------------> The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, May 27. If you have any questions, just email Leigh. If you have applied before, your application will be considered with the new ones. If you'd like to send an updated resume, that's fine, too. To share a little bit about our board ... We are a working board. There are no financial requirements to serve, but we enjoy 100 percent board participation. What we need the most from our board members is a willingness to help furthur the Vilakazi cause of helping South African children. We're excited to have a new volunteer join our board!
The Vilakazi FoundationThe Vilakazi Foundation is a grass-roots effort to better the lives of the children of South Africa through improved access to education, health and athletics. Archives
December 2013